
Current & Recent Publications


Innovatia is a multimedia publication which is an innovation in itself being a 600 plus page flippingbook designed for screens with video content, a website book designed for smart phone browsing and a soon to be released print edition.

Taken from the book's Letter from the Editors:

"The national conversation on innovation has declined. Innovation is a spur to business productivity and profit, which is vital to our national economic and social health. 

Innovative thinking needs a clearer definition. 

It informs and motivates activity across all human endeavours, including the arts, travel, well-being, and much more. 

Innovatia is a publication dedicated to covering all of this – a journal-slash-bookazine, refreshed monthly in digital and web formats and will be published annually in deluxe print. 

The purpose of the publication is manyfold: 

  • To explain the vital importance of science and technology, the need to create an inventive, creative environment. 
  • To provide globally sourced ideas and commentary across many fields including, crucially, sustainability, energy transition, and urban development, among others.
  • To lift the bar for writing, thinking, and analysis. 
  • To combine the best videos on a broad array of topics. 
  • To serve and improve the lives of readers. 

The Australia's Nobel Laureates: State of our Innovation Nation

This is the successor volume to the first-ever complete biographies of Australia’s Nobel Laureates. This edition, which has been thoroughly updated and lavishly redesigned, includes a new entry on our first Nobel Peace Prize, won in 2017 by Melbourne’s ICAN, an organisation that is admired globally but too little known domestically.

As important national heroes, these meritorious Australians form a significant part of our culture and embody one of the most dynamic chapters of our shared history. Their stories illuminate their origins, their personal challenges, and the global impact of their scientific work. 

This special collector’s edition also contains over 500 additional pages from 100 authors examining Australia’s science and innovation ecosystems. Contributors include the leaders and founders of Australia’s top scientific institutions, companies, political parties, and universities. This is a national review from a spectrum of voices, each of which speaks incisively on our scientific, economic, and innovation landscapes. 

The Australian Farmer

Following the successful release of Boundless Plains to Share in both deluxe book form and digital editions in English and Chinese in February 2017, The Australian Farmer (TAF) occupies the company’s full attention. Under development for nearly two years, is both a major tribute to our Farmers and a 1000 page plus compendium. It is described as a knowledge tool, a growing resource dedicated to the Farmer and his or her “ Access to Science, Technology, Innovation, Productivity and Profitability .” In scale and scope TAF is unprecedented. For more information please contact your 1MG representative.

Boundless Plains to Share

This is the largest ever knowledge campaign, based on a quality book devoted to the subject of Australia’s total agribusiness economy. The publication addresses in detail the cornerstones of Australia’s achievements in numerous sectors of this economy, which collectively accounts for approximately 35% of Australia’s total GDP. Leading authors, both Australian and Asian, will contribute on subjects such as our agricultural provenance and history of innovation, agriscience, banking, finance and the emergence of new funds, logistics, ports and infrastructure, ICT, in-bound investment and the all-important tertiary education sector. 

Melbourne: Global Smart City

2009 - Our interest in urbanism, and the Dockland’s inspiration urged us to look deeper into Australian city urban management and long range planning. We did a lot of research. Against some protest we nominated Melbourne as the subject for a new hybrid style book on urban planning which might serve the world.

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